Creative polymath

Jared Woods.

I’m Jared.
I tell stories, take photos, make movies, write music, trip over the inspirational and marvel at the mundane.
I solve problems for people. Usually that involves having a great idea and then nearly killing it with too much PowerPoint. 
If it weren’t for whiskey and poetry, I’d be a stranger to the romance of ordinary things. 

An odd cocktail of skills.

One of my favourite things is hearing someone talk about a problem they have, and being able to say ‘Can I help?’ 

I grew up in a house that ran on stories. And as I’ve swum the oceans of corporate and creative work, I find myself believing more and more that Hugh Macleod was right – the market for something to believe in is infinite. And it’s a market I love to play in.


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I’m a chatty lad. Let’s discuss whether I can help with the thing that’s keeping you up at night.

Randwick, Sydney, AUS

+61 414 55 22 67